On My Way




The traditional Mexican bingo game is something that many of us have grown up playing in Hispanic households. Since a kid and until this day, the founder of Prime Gancho has always been drawn to play the card with El Pescado, “The Fish”. As superstitious as most fishermen are, he believed that if he won with that card, he’d catch a BIG FISH on the next trip.

Many years of fishing and games went by until the pescado notion reemerged. After a day of catching redfish on popping corks, Capitan David Teran sat with his family and friends for a game of Lotería. The orientation of the card “El Pescado” was a familiar sight to what he had been seeing that day. The idea was sparked.

In the true sense of a game of chance, we hired local artist Kevin Putman to make our vision come to life. El Rojo was the first design to launch the Lotería Series. Since then, we have reimagined the traditional cards to represent our cultural coastal lifestyle for classic and timeless designs, just like the game itself. BUENAS CON EL PESCADO!


New releases and reheats of our classics in new colors and styles!

Night Vision
Night Vision
Night Vision

Night Vision

Game For Fools Hoodie Shirt
Game For Fools Hoodie Shirt
Game For Fools Hoodie Shirt
Game For Fools Hoodie Shirt

Game For Fools Hoodie Shirt

Prime Gancho Charters Shirt
Prime Gancho Charters Shirt

Prime Gancho Charters Shirt

Gancho Light Shirt
Gancho Light Shirt

Gancho Light Shirt


Who We Are

We are not restrained by city limits for exhilaration. Where we feel alive is on a rolling bay, not a bustling city. Since early 2000, founders of Prime Gancho have escaped the bright lights for the predawn sun rays. Date nights would consist of loading up the Corolla with beach chairs and a cooler. Cruising down 45 South with a bundle of rods hanging out the back window. Making a quick stop for a bag of ice, a box of beer, a pack of Swishers and some fresh dead shrimp.

The Galveston Seawall is where we made our bones. Through the years, it is where we developed a passion for fishing and the outdoors. Naturally transitioning a hobby into a lifestyle. By sharing our adventures with like minds, we have built an authentic following of anglers before we even considered a customer. Our creativity has expanded beyond “likes” to where we now share our experiences through our one-of-a-kind apparel, inshore fishing adventures and outdoor photography.

Prime Gancho is based out of Houston, Texas. Living in this diverse city has exposed us to many cultures and lifestyles that have inspired our designs. The influence we are most proud of is our Hispanic culture. We took a risk in potentially limiting our audience with this brand, but have been rewarded with support from all over the country, from California to the Carolinas. Our style translates from fishing the bayous of our inner city to the outermost shores of the Americas. We embrace heritage but avoid traditional ideas. Provoked with art, music and pop culture we aspire to create an eclectic collection of apparel.